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Valor Christian College presents TODD DULANEY: One Night Only!

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LIVE SERVICES: Sundays @ 10am & Wednesdays @ 7pm ET
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World Changer Scholarship

World Changer Scholarship

Receive a scholarship worth 25% of your first year's tuition!

More than Twenty-five years ago, the Spirit of the Lord spoke a Word — a promise — to Dr. Rod Parsley about Valor Christian College, and about YOU: "From this spot, you will touch the world!"

Since that time, countless men and women have experienced the application, education, and impartation available only at Valor — under the apostolic leadership and anointing of Dr. Rod Parsley.

And now, in honor of more than 25 years and the thousands of World-Changers from Valor making an impact around the globe for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, World Harvest Church wants to give YOU a chance to win a World Changer Scholarship, worth up to 25% of your first year's tuition at "The School of the Spirit."


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